The inspiration behind Turf Shed
In the spring of 1992, as a new groundkeeper just starting out, I was introduced to the professional baseball maintenance side by the "nitty gritty dirt man," George Toma, at the Royals Spring training camp in Haines City, Florida. The first thing I noticed was that he handled all infield maintenance by hand using handmade tools. Nothing fancy, just effective and precise tools with one idea in mind, do the job and then some. This is where the inspiration for the Turf Shed line of tools comes from. I have personally used these exact tools or incorporated them throughout my career. Turf shed tools will be professional quality tools that give you the ability to have professional results. Each nail board line will be built by hand with an emphasis on giving the customer a quality product made with results in mind. We will soon have a customization option for both lines of Chaco and Chamu boards to give each board a unique look while enhancing longevity and performance. If you have never used a nail board or think it takes too long to do by hand, you are missing out on a valuable method to better understand your infield skin, touch, and feel. I'll go over what I mean in an instructional video link you can watch on the web page. *Video Coming Soon* What are you waiting for? Give our line of equipment a try and take your field to the next level.